

Find answers to frequently asked questions related to retirement plans offered to eligible employees through the 网赌论坛有哪些’s Total Rewards package. 参观 退休计划网页 了解更多信息.



Regular full-time or regular part-time faculty or staff member, after two years of service*.

TAR staff are eligible if they satisfy the two-year service requirement* and if they work a minimum of 1,计划年度内的000小时(7月1日至6月30日).

*为符合资格而设, a year of service means a 12-month period starting with the date you commence employment and any anniversary date t在这里of during which you complete 1,000小时或以上的服务时间.


在任何高等教育机构完成的服务, 教学医院, 非牟利网赌论坛有哪些基金会, 或高等教育机构的非营利性支持组织, 以及在大学控制组的成员中服务, 会否计入两年服务规定.

在其他合资格院校服务而获学分, you may complete the retirement service credit waiver in ,8经 (Main Menu>Self Service>好处>Retirement Service Credit). Please remember to submit your service credit waiver within 90 days of your hire date so that we may process contributions retroactively.

*截至8月1日, 2023, members of the controlled group of the 网赌论坛有哪些 include: Highland Hospital, 匹兹堡高地, 布莱顿高地, 高地生活中心, 公司, 泌尿外科医学家庭护理(以前是探访护士服务), 探访护士(签名护理), 尼古拉斯·H. 诺伊斯纪念医院,琼斯纪念医院,F. F. 汤普森健康系统公司., St. 詹姆斯医院和芬格湖健康中心.


所有 employees are eligible to make 自愿捐款; except you are not allowed to participate if you are a student whose employment is incidental to your education at the University. 详细的资格信息可在 资格和注册页面.

除了, eligible employees will be automatically 招收ed (explained below) to make 自愿捐款.


新聘或再聘, regular full-time and regular part-time faculty and staff members will automatically be 招收ed to make 自愿捐款. Automatic contributions will be made from your pre-tax eligible compensation each pay period at 3%. 7月1日生效, 2020, your salary deferral election will increase 1% annually on the anniversary of your hire date to a maximum of 15%. 阁下可随时选择更改或停止供款.


你可选择在受雇后立即作出自愿性供款, 你可以增加, 年内任何时间减少或开始作出自愿性供款. 在网上完成你的选举 TIAA.org/rochester 或致电 (800) 410-6497星期一至星期五上午8点.m–10 p.m. (ET).




不,网赌论坛有哪些的退休计划不是一个匹配的计划. 在您符合资格要求的计划年度内, Direct Contributions will be made for eligible compensation paid for full payroll periods after you satisfy the eligibility requirement, 不论你的自愿供款为何.


大学直接捐款直接存入您的TIAA账户, 也不会出现在你的薪水单上. 要查看您的供款,请在线登录您的TIAA账户 (TIAA.org/Rochester) 或者回顾你的季度报表.

服完两年兵役后, 我需要做什么才能开始收到大学捐款?

You are not required to take action to begin receiving University Direct Contributions; however, 您可以完成您的注册, 选择你的投资分配, 并在网上指定受益人 TIAA.org/rochester 或致电 (800) 410-6497.

You will receive your first contribution on earnings from the first full pay period in which you are eligible. 如果你在发薪期的中间才有资格, 你将会收到你的第一笔供款和下一个工资期的收入.



  • Pre-Tax 403(b) – Tax-deferred 自愿捐款 are deducted from your gross wages before amounts are taken out for income taxes and deductions. 自愿性供款会减少你的应课税入息, 这意味着你交的所得税少了吗.
  • 罗斯税后403(b) -有罗斯税后选项, 在你的收入纳税后,你的捐款会从你的薪水中扣除, 这不会降低你当前的税收. 查找有关罗斯供款选项的详细信息 在这里.

Your combined pre-tax and Roth after-tax 自愿捐款 to the Retirement Program may be made in any amount up to the limits imposed by the Internal Revenue Code.


  • 50岁以下:23,000美元
  • 12月31日之前年满50岁的:30,500美元

Note: Any employee contributions made to another employer’s plan in the current calendar year count in applying the employee contribution limits (i.e.即23,000美元及30,500美元的限额).

Can I roll over assets from another retirement account into the University’s Retirement Plan?

You may be able to ‘roll’ a distribution from another unrelated employer’s plan and certain IRAs to the Retirement Program, provided that the distributing plan or IRA was qualified and the following requirements are met:

  • The distribution was not a required minimum distribution because of your age 70 ½ (if you were born before July 1, 1949)或72(如果你出生在6月30日之后), 1949)
  • The distribution was not part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments paid over 10 or more years, 你的一生中, 或者你和你的受益人的一生;
  • 转期不包括你自己的税后(罗斯)供款;
  • 展期并不是艰苦分配.
  • Rollover contributions will be subject to the same withdrawal rules that apply to your 自愿捐款.

If you have any questions about rollover contributions or would like to initiate a rollover into the Retirement Program, 联系记录管理员, TIAA, at (800) 410-6497.


You may choose from wide range of mutual funds and annuity options from well-known financial providers. 查看 投资菜单 了解更多信息. 有关这些基金的更多信息,包括业绩,可在以下网址找到 TIAA.org/rochester 然后选择“投资选项”.”


TIAA可以帮助你理解, 招收, and manage your participation in the 网赌论坛有哪些 Retirement Program at no additional cost. 呼叫 (800) 410-6497 或访问 TIAA.org/urschedule.



  • 在被大学及其控制小组成员解聘后
  • 如果你是退休人员,并在59岁半后重返工作岗位
  • 70岁半以后,不管什么原因
  • 在被大学及其控制小组成员解聘后
  • 在59岁半之后
  • 在59岁半之前,如果:
    • 成为残疾人
    • 有资格申请艰苦提款
    • 有资格申请撤销生育/领养申请

The IRS prohibits the termination of employment by an individual with the intent to be rehired in order to access funds in the Retirement Program of the University or members of its controlled group.

What options do I have with my retirement accounts when I sever from employment from the University and members of its controlled group?

当你从学校及其控制小组成员中离职时, 您的帐户有四种选择:

  • 继续在大学的记录管理员TIAA上维护你的账户.
  • 取出你的存款. 你将被要求缴纳普通所得税, 在大多数情况下,如果你在59岁半之前取钱,还会有10%的罚款.
  • 将你的累积转入个人退休帐户*.
  • Rollover your accumulations to another employer retirement plan, if the plan accepts the rollover.

注:如果你目前受雇于, 或者受雇于控制组的成员, you may not withdraw or rollover your 网赌论坛有哪些 Retirement Program accumulation.

* You cannot rollover Roth 403(b) accumulations to an IRA that does not qualify as a Roth IRA.

The IRS prohibits the termination of employment by an individual with the intent to be rehired in order to access funds in the Retirement Program of the University or members of its controlled group.


The 403(b) Retirement Program allows eligible employees the opportunity to save for retirement on a tax-advantaged basis and provides a direct contribution toward retirement savings. 详细的资格信息可以找到 在这里.

The Deferred 补偿 457(b) Plan allows eligible participants to accumulate tax-deferred savings for retirement or other financial needs beyond the limits of the 网赌论坛有哪些 403(b) Retirement Program. 详细的资格信息可以找到 在这里.